Outils pour utilisateurs

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Application pour gérer Redis: RedisInsight


Utilisation sans docker

sudo apt install redis
redis-server  # starts redis

Utilisation du CLI:



  • Basic values (string): SET, GET
  • HashMaps: HSET, HGET, HMGET (Get multiple keys)



> HSET loggedUser:123 name "John Doe" url "https://url" role "Developer"
(integer) 3
> HMGET loggedUser:123 name role
1) "John Doe"
2) "Developer"

Exemple d'un panier:

> HSET cart:123 prod:1:name "Oranges" prod:1:price "2,23" prod:1:amount "1" prod:2:name "Apples" prod:2:price "1,50" prod:2:amount "4"
(integer) 5
> HINCRBY cart:123 prod:1:amount 3
(integer) 4
> HGETALL cart:123
 1) "prod:1:name"
 2) "Oranges"
 3) "prod:1:price"
 4) "1,50"
 5) "prod:1:amount"
 6) "4"
 7) "prod:2:name"
 8) "Apples"
 9) "prod:2:amount"
10) "4"
> HLEN cart:123
(integer) 5


  • LPUSH: Left push
  • RPUSH: Right push
> LPUSH mylist "one" "two" "three" "last element"
> LPOP mylist
"last element"
(integer) 4
> LPOP mylist 3
1) "three"
2) "two"
3) "one"
  • FIFO Queue: using RPUSH with LPOP
  • LIFO Queue: using LPUSH with LPOP
> LPUSH mylist "one" "two" "three" "last element"
(integer) 4
> LRANGE mylist 0 1
1) "last element"
2) "three"
> LRANGE mylist 0 -1
1) "last element"
2) "three"
3) "two"
4) "one"


> LINSERT mylist AFTER "two" "four"
(integer) 5
> LRANGE mylist 0 -1
1) "last element"
2) "three"
3) "two"
4) "four"
5) "one"

Utilisation comme Message Broker

SUBSCRIBE <channel name>

Sur un client Subscriber:

SUBSCRIBE notifications

Sur un autre client Producer:

PUBLISH notifications "Ici un message important"

Le message apparaîtra sur le client subcriber.

bases_de_donnees/redis.1671125314.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2022/12/15 18:28 de sgariepy