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Incorporer Swagger avec JSDoc dans un projet TypeScript.

Installer les dépendances:

npm install swagger-jsdoc swagger-ui-express -S
npm install @types/swagger-ui-express @types/swagger-jsdoc -D

Exemple de fichier SwaggerSpec.ts:

import * as swaggerJsdoc from 'swagger-jsdoc';
const swaggerDefinition = {
  info: {
    title: 'Portfolio API',
    version: '0.1.0',
    description: 'This is the REST API for Portfolio Client',
  basePath: '/api/v1',
const options = {
  explorer: true,
  apis: ['**/*.ts'],
export const swaggerSpec = swaggerJsdoc(options);

Là ou app d'Express est disponible, ou bien là où les middlewares sont injectés:

import * as swaggerUi from 'swagger-ui-express';
import { swaggerSpec } from './SwaggerSpec';
// ...
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
  app.use('/api-docs', swaggerUi.serve, swaggerUi.setup(swaggerSpec));

Exemple de JSDoc pour Swagger

   * @swagger
   * /application/status:
   *   get:
   *     description: Application's status
   *     tags: [Application]
   *     produces:
   *       - application/json
   *     responses:
   *       200:
   *         description: Application status

Exemple avec paramètres de request

Documentation officielle - Describing Parameters


   *     parameters:
   *     - in: header
   *       name: x-auth-token
   *       description: Auth Token
   *       schema:
   *         type: string
   *       required: true


   *     parameters:
   *     - in: body
   *       name: Portfolio information
   *       description: Provide needed Portfolio Information to create it
   *       required: true
   *       schema:
   *         type: object
   *         properties:
   *           name:
   *             type: string
   *             required: true
   *           description:
   *             type: string
   *             required: false


   * /portfolios/:portfolioId:
   * ...
   *     - in: path
   *       name: portfolio id
   *       type: string
   *       required: true
   *       description: Portfolio Id


Response comme objet:

   *     responses:
   *       200:
   *         description: Authentication information
   *         schema:
   *           type: object
   *           properties:
   *             token:
   *               type: string
   *             accountIds:
   *               type: array
   *               items:
   *                 type: string


 * @swagger
 *  components:
 *    schemas:
 *      User:
 *        type: object
 *        required:
 *          - name
 *          - email
 *        properties:
 *          name:
 *            type: string
 *          email:
 *            type: string
 *            format: email
 *            description: Email for the user, needs to be unique.
 *        example:
 *           name: Alexander
 *           email: fake@email.com


 * @swagger
 * tags:
 *   name: Users
 *   description: User management
 * @swagger
 *  tags:
 *    - name: pets
 *      description: Everything about your Pets
 *      externalDocs:
 *        url: http://docs.my-api.com/pet-operations.htm
 *    - name: store
 *      description: Access to Petstore orders
 *      externalDocs:
 *        url: http://docs.my-api.com/store-orders.htm


 * @swagger
 *  paths:
 *    /pet/findByStatus:
 *      get:
 *        summary: Finds pets by Status
 *        tags:
 *          - pets
 *        ...
 *    /pet:
 *      post:
 *        summary: Adds a new pet to the store
 *        tags:
 *          - pets
 *        ...
 *    /store/inventory:
 *      get:
 *        summary: Returns pet inventories
 *        tags:
 *          - store
 *        ...


web/javascript/nodejs/swagger.1610056728.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2022/02/02 00:43 (modification externe)