Table des matières


La présente page concerne l'utilisation de l'ActiveX AspPDF.

Fonctions et procédures

sub Write(Page, text, x, y, size, font, color)
    Params = "x=" & x & "; y=" & y & "; size=" & size & "; color=" & color
    Page.Canvas.DrawText text, Params, font
end sub
sub CreateRect(x, y, width, height, Doc, Page)
	Set Graphics = Doc.CreateGraphics("Left=0,Bottom=0;Right=" & width & ";Top=" & height)
	Graphics.Canvas.SetColor 0,0,0
	With Graphics.Canvas
	   .FillRect 0, 0, width, height
	End With
	Set Param = Pdf.CreateParam
	Param("x") = x
	Param("y") = y
	Param("Angle") = 0
	Page.Canvas.DrawGraphics Graphics, Param
end sub
