Table des matières
Exemple simple
Dans le constructeur de Startup.cs
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(env.ContentRootPath) .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true) .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true) .AddEnvironmentVariables(); this.Configuration = builder.Build();
Le fichier appsettings.json
{ "Options": [ "option1", "option2", "option3" ] }
La classe MyOptions
public class MyOptions { public string[] Options { get; set; } }
Dans le fichier Startup.cs
, méthode ConfigureServices
MyOptions myOptions = new MyOptions(); services.Configure<MyOptions>(this.Configuration); this.Configuration.Bind(myOptions);
Autre exemple:
{ "Section": { "MyOptions": [ "option1", "option2" ] } }
MyOptions myOptions = new MyOptions(); this.Configuration.GetSection("Section").Bind(myOptions);
Autre exemple:
{ "MyOptions": { "Options": [ "option1", "option2" ] } }
services.AddOptions(); services.Configure<MyOptions>(this.Configuration.GetSection("MyOptions"));
Dans une classe consommatrice, on peut faire :
public class MyClass { private readonly string[] _myOptions; public MyClass(IOptions<MyOptions> myOptions) { this._options = myOptions.Value.Options; } }
Provider | Exemple | Notes |
appsettings.json | { “key”: “value” } | |
appsettings.{ENVIRONMENT}.json | { “key”: “other value” } | |
User Secrets (Developement) | dotnet user-secrets set “key” “development value” | |
Environment variables | Powershell: setx key “environment value” , bash: export key=“environment value” | |
Command-line arguments | dotnet run –key “important value” |
L'environnement est lu de DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT
Source: Everything you need to know about configuration and secret management in .NET
web/asp.net/core/configuration.txt · Dernière modification : 2023/11/17 20:09 de sgariepy