Outils pour utilisateurs

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Les lois immuables du logiciel

Loi Description
The First Law of Ecology You can't change one thing
Theorem of Software Can solve any problem with indirection
Fairbairn Threshold The point copy/paste is better
Conway's Law Org structure effects results
McLuhan's Law The tools we use shape us
Goodhart's Law Using measure = more valuable
House's Law Hard to measure = more valuable
The Bennette Principle Invest energy in activity → more value
Hick's Law More options == slower decision
Cunningham's Law Post tour answer to get the right one
Diminishing Returns Point when cost exceeds value added

Theorem of Software Engineering

We can solve any problem by introducing an extra level of indirection.
developpement/general/lois.txt · Dernière modification : 2023/10/03 18:47 de sgariepy